
Barge - 500gp
Canoe - Small 30gp
Canoe - War 50gp
Caravel 10,000gp
Carriage - Common 150gp
Carriage - Coach, Ornamented 7000gp
Carriage - War - Normal carrage with 3 inset windows with bows (d6)
can be replaced with a composite bow (d8-d10) 2,000gp
Chariot - Riding 200gp
Chariot - War 500gp
Coaster - 5000gp
Cog - 10,000gp
Curragh - 500gp
Drakkar - 25,000gp
Dromond - 15,000gp
Galleon - 50,000gp
Great Galley - 30,000gp
Knarr - 3000gp
Longship - 10,000gp
Oar - Common 2gp
Oar - Galley 10gp
Raft or Small Keelboat - 100gp
Sail - 20gp
Sedan Chair - 100gp
Wagon or Cart Wheel - 5gp

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